Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Best Things in Life Are Green

This year was challenging.  I worked one job that felt like two, tutored after-school, looked for and found a new job, wrote copiously for this blog, and struggled to maintain an active social life- all while mothering a spirited first grader.  Although I attempted to maintain a facade of fabulosity, I slowly gained twenty pounds and lost handfuls of hair. Thank goodness for lotions, potions, and Spanx!  When the school year finally ended I was so wound up and anxious that I felt stunned.  There's no other word to describe it.  My mission this Summer has been to regain my peace of mind and get my shimmer back.

I am a city girl; I don't drive and if the streets aren't numbered there is a 99% chance that I will get lost.  Nevertheless, I was craving trees (and not the type you would assume).  I needed exercise, sunshine, and fresh air; I needed to get out of the city, without really getting out of the city.

First stop was The New York Botanical Garden.  Chloe and I took the D train to Bedford Avenue in The Bronx, and walked eight blocks east to The Garden.  This has been one of my favorite spots in the city since I took summer school students there a few years ago.  I vividly remember kids climbing trees, smelling roses, and using using maps to find a waterfall in the forest. It was magical (what can I say? nature inspires hyperbole).

Chloe enjoys riding on the tram and visiting the Everett Children's Garden, while I love the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden.  Luckily we both agree that the lily pond is worth seeing. The Botanical Garden is great for long scenic walks; Chloe even spotted several chipmunks and a robin feeding her babies worms!

The next day, Chloe started camp so I decided to hike in Fort Tryon Park.  This park is steps away from the 190th Street stop on the A Train.  As far a city parks go, this one is very clean and has beautiful views of the Hudson River.  It is a luxury to be able to take a quiet walk, or as Asagai says in A Raisin in the Sun, "to sit a while and think."  Fort Tryon park is hilly with plenty of stairs to climb if one is interested in more than just a leisurely stroll.  The Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is worth visiting as well.

My absolute new favorite place is Wave Hill.  Unfortunately, I had to get past this Yelp review first.

Hot Mess Alert!
Wave Hill is in Fieldston, and in order to get there you have to take the 1 train to the last stop and then wait for a shuttle bus.  Before you enter, signs remind you that Wave Hill is a public garden, not a park.  There are strict rules against bringing blankets, bikes, dogs, or balls in order to maintain the serenity of the space.  There are gardens, trails, and stunning views of The Hudson River.  Wooden beach chairs are dotted throughout the property, and many are set under magnificent trees.

Working on my shimmer!
Wave hill is an oasis of quiet beauty.  At one moment I was reading Toni Morrison's introduction to Tar Baby, listening to Coltrane's "Naima," and feeling so blissfully relaxed that I wasn't sure whether I was awake or dreaming. If you are stressed out, Wave Hill is definitely the cure!  I can't wait to go back for their High Tea.

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